
I'm So Gay

Hi peoples :D

Nicole here , buahahah. The stupid ChongYieWei asked me to change his blogskin for him.He was at my house just now and he thought me how to play some lame song on the piano. Its kinda cute :D:D I found some gay blogskin, somehow can't be loaded. Damnit ! He claims that even the computer didn't want it to be loaded so I can't use it D: Damn sad. Oh and I met his mom, she's damn nice (: Wootts! And his sister and his father. Actually I met his whole family to be honest. And we paid 22 bucks to watch four friggin movies , how pro right x) Don't ask me how we did it. And I goota go, ask YW to post about the rest. I'm lazy -.-

We watched ; 
1) Shinjuku something something (sucks like crap)
2) I forgot, mhmmm.
3) 12 Rounds 
4) Mall Cop (btw, its damn funny)