
they just love hacking my lovely blog, but yeah, it was kinda nice xD the header was kinda cute? and yeah, im gonna edit my posts =D

1st- its shinjuku incident o.o
2nd- the 4th movie was nth, we watched 3 movies oni xD
3rd- im not gay =)
4th- the song was not lame, its nice =D

okay, skip bout the boring part, we went mv, we refers to me and nic -.- yein and cherish ffked, well, im a kind man and i forgive them for their selfishness xD we bought ticks for fast n furious 4, the guy asked me, are u 18+? dey will check there and if u dun haf ur id, u are not allowed to enter and the tick will not be refunded, and yeah, we bought them. and we ate sushi, i treated nicole, oh god, imma such a good guy xD niccole doesnt lyk prawns -.-

we went in and yeah, we got caught, yay us, the guy there was lyk, can i haf ur id for verification? i was lyk screw it, we are soo dead, and we bought shows for jangan tegur, xD nicole said tat her ic was 91xxxx as the birthdate, so funny, and sum girl said tat i, mr ChongYieWei does not look lyk 18 and nicole is, i think. -.-

we went cinema 10 and sum guy caught nicole for her dumb-ness, she said, i wanna find my mum, lame excuse, and yeah, we went searching the whole cinema and we found knowing, but we watched it and we found shinjuku incident, well, it was kinda boring, cos we watched the mid- end part oni, and nicole says tat her grandpa was on the show wtflol -.-

yeah, part 2, we went for 12 rounds, it was ok for me, it was a kidnap case, and we watched the mid-end part, AGAIN. not to mention it was damn cold there

part 3, we found paul blart-mall cop in cinema 2 xD nicole wanted to watch tat show, but we went searching for more shows xD we found friday the 13th, nicole said tat she was afraid to watch, *part of it was me * xD and we ended up watching mall cop, it was kinda stupid + lame + funny.

one more point, i would lyk to announce tat malaysia sux, they rate movies as 18 for no reason, for instance, fast and furious, why in the world would they rate it 18+? and yeah, they have pg 13 shows now, i think it started when king kong came out, which was quite long ago.

and i played an awesome song in nicoles hse, she video-ed it, yeah, ask her for my masterpiece xD haha, and her bro broke a glass -.-

well, i would lyk to thank, these 2 ppl in my life.
1st- nicole~ oh yeah, i put u as 1st xD well, she helped me chng my blogskkin into and uberly COOL one, yeah. thx xD

2nd yein~ oh yeah, she helped me post those pics of me xD yeah, and i noe who u like, i think its better than noe-ing my passwords rite? xD