

went skul 2day 2 meet up wif nicole who was da one who fetched me to her hse and played her psp, ds and her com, played cooking mama which was sum lame game and winnin 11 frm da psp, so sad, i missed a penalty shot =.=''

nicole and maejin were fighting over chinese surnames, wtflol! so funny, maejin says tat the surname Low is pronounced as CHEN

we went bowling 1st as the tym we have was friggin long, and omg, i lost to Nicole Tham! she gt advantage, my hand jus healed, so i lose dao reasonable, xD the scores u can ask nicole for it

so we went 2 da friggin cinema to go buy da friggin ticket which was Quarantine, ok, we lined up and asked for da tickets, the guy was lyk ' errm, are u 18 and above?' we were lyk, ' uhh, no, but we are helping sum guy 2 buy' the guy, 'u mus call tat guy 2 come here and buy himself.' i was lyk, ok, nvm. so we went asking for ppl to help us buy the tickets, we found sum girls, nicole asked and she said she is 14, =.= wtf? and sum aunty jus din choi us lyk its not her business =.= so we went and buy The Day The Earth Stood Still, vbut we went to the other part of the world, cinema 2 be exact, jus 2 sneak into quarantine and watched

overall it was not as scary as expected lahh, also quite dumb, no ending de~ LOL, after the show i duno wth happened le, went mcD to eat and nicole was candid-ing sum small kid, said he was hot?! haha, so we met up wif maejin to watch another movie, Wild Child

went in da cinema again, and maejin wanted 2 sit beside Mr Unknown, the movie started and a couple came in and sat beside maejin, @ 1st maejin tot it was ok, but den after a while she started laughin lyk sum **** =D *ps: reminds me of summ1 o.O it was ok oni lahh the show, not very interesting

after the show nicole wanted her BALOONS =D i did post tis up, haha. and after tat they all went home and i played alot o games @ da arcade, i found out tat tym crisis 3 sux badly, i prefer 2 =D played daytona and pawned them all xD after tat met up wif my dad and went back home =D