
hey guys, so long din update le, my life nowadays is jus plain dota, dota till night, i also duno why, nth 2 do, no ppl find me chat summore, and 2day went 2 buy new long pants, and i saw Tan Fong Yean, the shortie frm my class =D i think its u, playing wif da trolley wif ur brother? LOL

1more damn thing, tmr im gonna teman Nicole Tham Carmenn to watch her dumb show~ Quarantine, haiz, so scared lahh xD i sure ffk u de tmr =D haha, jkjk.

i watched few shows nowadays, Wanted was quite nice lahh, i noe its kinda late to watch, but it was cool =D kay lahh, im watchin sum show called thybathia or smth de, kinda lyk narnia

yeah, 1 more thing, im playing sum shitty game wif Tan Kian Kun, free kicker.. also crapped bout alot o things xD