

went for tuition again which was quite boring, but i rather go there~ *ps : nicole noes why =D* teacher said tat we're gonna have a dumb barbeque party nex wednesday, i think i'll go and my frens said after go cc =.= lol, and 2day my sis de fren said she wanna come but ended up she ffk-ed my sis xD played lyk tons of dota, and sum football?!

hols gonna end soon and christamas is comin real close le, so wish u guys a Merry Christmas n Happy New Year?! lol, tis hols damn sien, ended up my family went nowhere and stayed @ home for 2 months D= tats bad, ppl can go 2 jap * weiyan*, and phuket i think *debbie* and lots more, and i get to enjoy my damn life @ home D= kay lahh, dad gonna come back wif food~ haha

bye~ =D