
sports day~ Chen Moh

sports day! 2day woke up lyk uhh 6.30 jus 2 get to chen moh wif my sis, mus go lyk damn early cos my mum dun wanna fetch me twice, so went there and was lyk.. empty, well, i read my inbox and saw her msg, its kinda sad so i wun write bout it la~ after i was lyk freakin bored so i called cock wei to bug him, he was lyk '' diu, mahai la u, why call me so early, 2nd tym u called me when i was sleeping'' after bout 10 mins he came and waited for frens, after ryan, zhi li and others came, so we went ply bball, u noe my bball standard sucks, so i jus plyed lyk nobody's business xD

sports day was bored actua;ly, my sis gt perform duno wat dance la, and i think blue house gt last again, nvm, nex year get better =)

o yeah, i went to scout yesterday, it was lyk, YIEWEI~u came to SCOUT! haha, i so good sure come socuts de la~