

wow, sol long din update my blog d, cant blame me, blame my parents, they r kinda siao de, always dun lemme use da com, when they do, they lemme use for 20 mins~ wtf man, i mean, does ur parents let u ply for 20 mins den gtg stop? =.= siao de~

err, exams finally over, and yeah, i gt sum of my exam marks back, i think tis time de marks will b lower den last tym de, i gt uhh 7x for english, geo and maths, and others ithink 60+ only.. my english, damn~ the bats de, make me waste my precious 1 mark, made me get less by 1 mark, wich means no more 85~ =.=

well, nth much 2 say d, o yea, 1 more ting, my bday coming soon, i mean very very soon~ its on da 28/10 which means its 2 days more! haha

k la nth 2 say le, my sis gonna dl her maple, so i cant ply or do anything else~ gtg d, ciaoz