
Heys, peeps !

Heys Handsome && Pretty out there.
Xiangqi here. i spent my whole morning helping CHONGYIEWEI a.k.a. my ahZai to edit his blog.

hope you guys would like it. =)
although it looks quite.. gay. O.o?
anyways, since i blog dy, i want to describes something bout him. xD
he's 14 this year, a born-oh-so-quick-guy.
i still remember last year, he is just right taller than me abit. but now, he's way too tall than me.
sometimes, he might be abit gay. but, hmnphs. he's kind enough. =D
Handsome? mayb yes ! ;D
some suggestions for you, add some emotions, colours or pictures while you blogging.
it might let ur blog look more interestings ! =D

CHONGYIEWEI , hope you will like ur new skins && you better like it ! ;D

from, Mama.