
hey guys, sum one said my blog is dead, well, im updating it now, in ur face! xD now my blog, WAS dead, it aint now.

uhh, piano teacher thought me and my sister shuo hao de xing fu ne, oh tat song rawks, although im not tat into chinese songs, but, well, i think this song is cool, even on the piano xD im gonna play tat song over and over again xD any1 noes any sentimental songs that are nice? i wanna learn it on piano! xD

i skipped straight to saturday cos i couldnt recall my brain, and yeah, i waas supposed to go sp wif yein and dunno who else =X but i ended up playing dota instead, cos i aint got no transport, well, i lost 2 dota games and won 1 -.- damn, haha, well, im kinda sleepy now and im gonna sleep xD