
tagged by peiyeiin o.O

i dun think tis is the correct way 2 post a tag on my own blog, is it?

and i haf sum questions, could any1 help me? do i copy n paste the tag thingy on 2 my blog denn edit it 2 my own opinions? can any1 help me? xD if its liddat, i copied da whole thing and it became all mashed up in a bundle =.= help!

thx 2 peiyeiin i noe wat 2 do lerr:

Fill 10 spots with the people you wanna tag. If you ran out of people use characters from movies, books or made-up ones to fill the spots.*I'm feeling , sentimental . So I'll tag the people who were there for me & fictional characters .*(You dont have to do it,I'm just filling in names-.-)


1) 4 invites 3 and 8 to dinner at their house. What happens? *nicole invites maejin and sharon
` well, eat?!

2) 9 tries to get 5 into a strip club. *Nellie tries 2 bring ZhiYing
` uhh, put it up on youtube? LOL

3) You need to stay in a friend's house for a night. Who will you choose, 1 or 6?
` 6?

4) 2 and 7 are making out, 10 walks in. What happens?* Enn and xiangqi making out, bryan sees
` my mum having an affair wif 2? xD bryan will sit bak and watch xD

5) 3 fall's in love with 6, 8 is jealous. What happens? Maejin falls in love wif QiLe, Sharon is jeaous
` 8 is in johor~ =D so she wunn fnd out xD

6) 4 jumps to you in a dark alleyway, who saves you? 2,7, or 10? *Enn xiangqi and bryan
` 7~ my mummy =D

7) 1 starts her cooking show. 15 minutes later what is happening? AnnAnn
` o.O idk leh, cant imagine if she's cookin xD

8) 3 has to marry 8,4 or 9. Who will they choose? Sharo Nicole/ Xiangqi
`i think she'll choose 4?

9) 7 kipnaps 2 and demands something from 5 for 2's freedom.
` so? o.o

10) Everyone gangs up on 3, does 3 has a chance in hell? maejin
` think so, she's been doin bad things xD

11) Everyone is invited for 2 and 10 wedding except 8, how does 8 react? sharon
` she;s in johor, she wun noe xD

12) Why is 6 afraid of 7? Qile afraid of XQ
`idk, =D

13) 1 is late for 2 and 10's wedding. Why is that?
`how in da world shuld i noe

14) 5 and 9 are drunk at your house. What happens?
`o.O let them sleep la =.=

15) 9 murders 2's best friend. What is 2 revenge on 9?
`she wun de lahh, she's too small for murder xD

16) 1 and 6 are in mortal danger. Does 6 save her/himself or 1?
`ask him =.=

17) 8 and 3 go camping and for some reason they forget to bring any food. What will they do?
`buy sum food?!?!

18) 5 is in a car crash and is injured. What does 9 do?
`help her out? =.=