
Hey people. Nicole here.Helping YieWei aka barney update his blog. I'm gonna be decent this time, hah (: Won't talk crap.

YieWei's comp already kaboom-ed and his dad wants to wait for the modem or some crap to drop price before buying,hahah :D But even if he did get to use the internet, he would be dota-ing. Ohmygod lah, what a dota freak.LOL.

Apparently , he told me he went for some camp a few days ago. Its quite lame and daib cause that place don't even have phone signal, hah! And he went for tuition today as he said he was scared. Idk scared of what -.-

And don't blamed me for the retarded picture, I don't have any other picture to upload. The picture taken by VICTOR LIM SHENG KAI ; pro photographer. -.-

Okay, thats all. Don't ask me to help him do the tag, buaahahaha.Toodles.