
hey guys, gonna be i short post i think, happy good friday to all catholic-ians, we were off today as our school is sum catholic skul xD

chatted wif phoebe i think, haha, nicole's fren, well, she' s a banana just lyk me xD haha, id love to go to nicoles skul and lanC wif my chinese haha

well, i played dota wif my tuition frens. im just gonna talk bout 1 game, which i dun think ppl will understand. but well, i'll list out for fun

yiewei- sf
booncheong- brood
junqiang- i 4gt xD
joehan- necrolyte
unrubbish i think =X - i 4gt also xD'

well, our team was winning i guess, i got quite a number of kills w/o dying xD but the friggin game ended cos i dc-ed xD we lost tat match technically, and its all cos of booncheong =) he ended the game wif a k/d score of 3/10 junqiang kept screwing him which was quite funny xD
oh, qiang was razor and unrubbish was dk xD