
hey guys, after quite sum tym i decided to blog again xD my dota was lost in da middle of nowhere. just gt my com repaired and its now windows xp instead of vista xD i can hack into da com much more easily now.

and so, gguess wat? our skul's football team lost xD 2-0 0-0 2-0 pity them >< and yeah, jy ppl xD carson kept fighting wif edmund, it was quite funny. keep scoldin each other xD

peiyein told me a secret xD haha shhh =X these things cant tell de

and ppl said tat i love peiyein -.- which i do not, >< im stil single. *not 2 mention available* xD haha, ck and ed said if i dun talk to yein for 2 days, ed wun kacao me and ck will owe me 10 bucks xD haha

tats kinda bout it, and mr williams is soooo lazy, die also dun wan giv out our eng papers. -.- i must get 70 above for my english xD kinda impossible i noe but who noes, miracles do happen xD