
my dream girl xD

tis is sum lame post, so if u dun wanna hear me crap pls leave xD

my dream girl frm top to toe would be :
Hair : Brown/ Back *preferably brown xD*
Face : Hot =D
Body : Not specific
Height : shorter den me by at least half a head? xD
Glasses : no *if it was, it shuld be frameless* xD
Attitude : Polite? xD active, postive thinkin, open minded, etc =D

Gt wat it takes? xD just jokin, lol , just sum random post as i haf nth to do, and i haf nth to blog bout.

went school today and guess wat? we went to da book fair which was quite lame, i haf sum probs wif chinese -.- went back and peiyein, bei chi played wif KimHean's bottle, =.= so harsh, i just coloured his timetable to put a little bit of colors into his life ;p
*ps : it was not me, peiyein did it ! xD

and yukai talked some crap wif me and he made my icecream fell.. urgh ==