
freaking tired yst, went to bed @ 9. played football almost the whole day, pjk some Pro~ shot the friggin ball out to the highway =D we ended up paying 50 bucks.. hurted my wallet sooo badly D= after tat went 2 the chinese society place and ended up meeting wif mr song~

im gonna post bout Beyonce's new song- If I Were A Boy xD uhh, if yall listen carefully, the friggin lyrics are vry touching. =X it kinda goes lyk this:

If i were a boy, i think i culd undertand, how it feels to love a girl, i swear i be'd a better man.id listen to her, cos i noe how it hurts, when u lose the one u wanted, and she's takin u for granted, and everything u haf gt destroyed~

quite touching kan? lol, damn nice song =O

Guys Happy Chinese New year =D