
today, i went 2 a dumb course, met some kids there, imma lyk dai lou over there, all small kids de, duno why my parents even sign me up for this course, well, its kinda lyk an A Star Course i think, on da way i texted nicole and stopped when i reached there, dumb place where there were no line in da hse, saw some of my frens there and 1 girl came and took my phone, self captured lyk 4 or 5 pics =.= said my phone damn zhun, can be mirror, wtflol~ da damn professor sucked big tym, i dun wanna detail it la, waste my breath oni, we were lyk cursing da shyt outta her.. haha, now im doing nth and watchin jeff dunham, u all shuld watch, so damn funny xD kays la, i dota 1st xD