
sry guys for not updating for quite sum tym, i was in johor cos my cous dad is celebrating his 60th bday i think.

1st day:
took us lyk 4hrs + to reach tat place, and we went 2 da restaurant there le, idk wat i wanted 2 wear cos i dun haf other colors to wear except white, my whole bag was full wif white shirt =X my cous said better dun wear white to these places, i was lyk zomg, so my cous borrowed me a shirt..

went there and it was qite boring actually, lots o old ppl were there, singing.. so we ate lots o things =D i think 1 table is 1000+ bucks, which means 100 per person leh.. so damn exp, and i recieved ang pows, 20 bucks. the day was over and we slept straight after we went home..

2nd day:
we wanted to go to Batam but the trip was canceled, so we went desaru instead, 1stly i tot tat was in sg, so paiseh when i found out it was in jb =.= texted ruiling while on da way there, when we reachd there we went for lunch, and we ate lobsters and seafood =D the bill ended up to be 500 bucks, =O the fish was damn nice which costs 21x smth -.-

we went to da beach and swam, god does my tits hurt tat tym, it was so... urgh D= so pain

after tat we went for dinner, which wasd seafood again, we had crab! so long din eat crab le =D
o yeah nicol sry for my cous childish-ness xD

3rd day:
and so we went back home =D